Creature - The Velagron

I am wrapping up a few projects I have had on the backburner for a while.
This Alien Started as a speedsculpt, but I liked where it was going so I ended up finishing it up with texturing, topology, rig and integrating it into unreal with a small animation I quickly made. It was pretty fun to play with CTRL rig for a bit and see it play live.
I also tried out Unreals skeleton tools, just for fun, I found it works fine ish for a quick setup in a pinch, but it is certainly still lacking on quick a few fronts.
I also went ahead and made a 3d print of it, bit scary with all the spikes, but it went super well!
Hope you like the piece!

Careful with the sound!

Ctrl Rig setup inside of UE

Ctrl Rig setup inside of UE
